TRAINING (2.4.1)
Member of SCNAT

SSOM promotes the technical sciences in Switzerland, notably in the fields of optics, microscopy and nanotechnology. It represents its members to the outside world, exchanges experience, fosters national and international cooperation and provides specialist knowledge.

Image: sinhyu,

Board members

The BioMedcial Photonics Network (BMPN) is headed by a board of currently eight members of medical, biological, physical, engineering and industrial backgrounds.

Board members:

Prof. M. Frenz University Bern: Education and Teaching
Prof. R. Salathé EPFL: Education and Teaching
Prof. J. Jütz NTB: Who is who
Prof. H. Walt USZ: Homepage, News
Prof. Dr. U. Wolf University Bern: Membership, organization
Dr. M. Forrer Fisba Optic AG: Contacts to industry
Dr. Y. Emerey Lyncée Tec SA: Contacts to industry
Prof Dr. M. Wolf USZ: President, contacts, organization, public relations

BMPN: a workgroup within the SSOM The BMPN is currently a workgroup of the SSOM.and is also represented in the board of the SSOM.