TRAINING (2.4.1)
Membro della SCNAT

La SSOM promuove le scienze tecniche in Svizzera, in particolare nell’ambito dell’ottica, della microscopia e della nanotecnologia. Sostiene i propri membri all’esterno, condivide le esperienze, mantiene la collaborazione nazionale e internazionale e fornisce conoscenze specialistiche.

Immagine: sinhyu,

Board members

The BioMedcial Photonics Network (BMPN) is headed by a board of currently eight members of medical, biological, physical, engineering and industrial backgrounds.

Board members:

Prof. M. Frenz University Bern: Education and Teaching
Prof. R. Salathé EPFL: Education and Teaching
Prof. J. Jütz NTB: Who is who
Prof. H. Walt USZ: Homepage, News
Prof. Dr. U. Wolf University Bern: Membership, organization
Dr. M. Forrer Fisba Optic AG: Contacts to industry
Dr. Y. Emerey Lyncée Tec SA: Contacts to industry
Prof Dr. M. Wolf USZ: President, contacts, organization, public relations

BMPN: a workgroup within the SSOM The BMPN is currently a workgroup of the SSOM.and is also represented in the board of the SSOM.